
The Beginning

Women's Retreat- 2001
with my special friends and sisters in Christ
Welcome to this little baby ministry.  I am a wife and a mom and an everyday, Christian woman, smack in the middle of raising teenagers and navigating the waters of life. In 2001, I felt God's call to full time ministry.  I stood up and publicly acknowledged the call at a women's retreat, not really knowing what it meant.  I don't recall the speaker's name or even what we talked about that day, but I do remember feeling a strong sense of God pulling me. 

In 2002, I began a long journey of seminary work at Dallas Theological Seminary, graduating from there in 2009 with a degree in Christian Education.  All the while, I was fulfilling my main ministry of wife and mom.  Now, nearly 11 years since that call, I am feeling the nudge to step out and see where God might lead me.  I have been active in teaching and am often asked to share with women's groups.  I have also had the most fun serving alongside of my husband, Tim, teaching and counseling couples.

My sweet family-2012
I am stepping out now, to try something more deliberate.  I will begin to write on the blog and hopefully, God will open new doors for me to speak and teach.  Even though it scares me a little, I am also very excited.   I would love for you to tell friends about this and maybe as God teaches me, He can teach others, as well.  But, if no one really ever reads the posts but me, I will always be the one that probably needed to hear those lessons the most, anyway.  There is nothing special about my situation.  I believe that all of us are called to something higher and greater.  I believe that so many of us sit around and stay where we are, looking up 5, 10, 20 years later, not being any further along in the faith or having really made any major impacts for the Kingdom of God.  I hope that reading this journey as I blog, will encourage you to step out and do something new.  Not something fun and new that you have never tried for the sake of trying something new.  But something new and big for the Kingdom of God and solely for His glory.  As always, going somewhere new will have to start with one baby step in the right direction.

The ministry's name, Jordan's Edge, is from Joshua 3-4.   Here, God finally allows Israel to enter the Promised Land...after four centuries of slavery and four decades of wilderness. Generations had waited for and hoped for that place. The Jordan River stood in between the land where they were and the land where God was leading them.  Before they could cross the river, they had to consecrate themselves and then walk all the way up to the edge.  As soon as-and not until- their feet touched the water, God stopped the river, revealed a clear path of dry land, and made a way for them to cross over to bring Him great glory.  Once they made it to the other side, they set up a memorial to remember that day, so that forever their children and all the peoples of the earth would know, "the Hand of the LORD is mighty, that you may fear the LORD your God forever"-Joshua 4:24

I believe that we can be at Jordan's edge- reflecting on the goodness of God who didn't leave us in our rebellion and disobedience and who protected and provided for us all the way. We can consecrate ourselves and be set apart for God's great use.  We can be at the edge, past the disobedience, past the insecurities, and past the past....Right on the edge, consecrated and waiting...Ready for God to clear the way and lead us over to what He has for us on the other side.  And then, when He takes us there, our lives can show our children and others how great and mighty is our God. 

My desire is for us to honor God through the ordinary and let Him use us in extraordinary ways. 


  1. Kelly- What an exciting new journey for you and your family. Praying for you as you embark. Praying for blessings on you and others as you minister. God bless, Andy & Sasha

  2. Obedience in consecration. By faith crossed the river. This post is the memorial to remember this day. Joyful in your testimony...believing that God will be mighty through this ministry.

    I would love to join you.


  3. This so great. So glad you are doing this! Just reading this. It's just seems right. I will be looking forward to reading what God is doing in your life. Love the story of the edge of Jordan. What a beautiful picture. Love you, Kim
